Friday, October 31, 2008

electric cooled pony harness

Should I write about the shit I am going through. Will it help. I think some writing about the issue will help, even just thinking about writing about it and not actually writing anything seems to help. Well anyway it's a pain in the ass, I hate being in this position.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Someting to write

Well a lot has happened but I seem reluctant to write about it. So I'll ramble on a bit to appease some desire I feel, or maybe it is that I am totally bored with the internet experience it's just kinda boring. It's not like being outside fresh air and all that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

In the days before Charlottetown

Time is now to collect up the tools and mental ideas for the upcoming project. The multitude of weather changes the panic. Constantly covering and repairing things. But we learned things last year so we will change things up. I wonder if I will get my gloves back.