Saturday, January 14, 2006


Well I'm sitting in the lounge close to leaving from Seoul Korea. This was an awesome trip with many new friends. Team Canada sculpted in Taebeck, north South Korea. The snow pile was not the greatest but all teams were dealing with the same stuff so we all persevered. The four teams from Canada, Japan, Hong Kong and the Netherlands all worked together on one piece which was praying hands. Each team also completed their own sculpture.
The experience was excellent and the people were fantastic. I would definitely recommend coming for a visit, which can be made quite inexpensively if you travel light and stay at the many saunas around the country.
Big cities like Seoul are a trip to be in. The shear volume of people and the freedom which they actually enjoy is a change compared to the repressed freedom we in North America have to deal with. There is so much activity, so much bustle and so much to see do and shop for, that weeks are really needed to make the most of it. None the less it was without question one of the best places I have been. It's a shame I have too leave, I will get used to the lack of freedom back home soon enough I'm sure.
I wish North American's weren't so easily swayed to think that there is freedom in these countries. Get out and see what freedom and choice are all about. The rest of the world has more freedom and they don't have too try to sell it.

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